News & Announcements
Luton International Church is raising funds for suffering communities and churches in Pakistan. If you wish to sow into this area please use the details below:
- LIC Account Number: 00547400
- Sort Code: 30-95-28
- Registered Charity: 1091462

About us
We are Spirit filled Christians who love the Lord Jesus Christ. We are from all different backgrounds and races and although we're not affiliated to any specific denomination, we worship Jesus the King of kings together. We are a Bible believing, charismatic international church, practising the gifts of the Holy Spirit and providing ministry in all areas such as Healing and Deliverance. We believe that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus into the world, to become a sacrifice for our sins. Through Jesus' death on the cross, and the grace he offered us. God's plan of salvation was shown for ALL mankind, that they may live.
We believe that by His Spirit, God raised Jesus from the dead and exalted Him as the Lord of lords, to be worshipped and adored. We believe that the second coming of Jesus will happen soon, we will see a mighty revival and a move of the Holy Spirit drawing many people to Christ before His return. It is this GOOD NEWS we love to share: that the love of the Father, salvation through Jesus and life by the Spirit is offered to you.
Pastors Edward and Kyllikki Masih

Luton Town Centre most Saturdays from 10am - 1pm
We meet each Sunday 10.30am at:
- Raynham Way Community Centre
- 66 Eaton Green Rd
- Luton
- LU2 9JE
Tuesday Homegroups:
At various locations in Luton Contact us for more information
Fasting and Prayer Meeting:
1st Friday each month